Sep 132011

This day is actually the programmer’s appreciation day.

According to Wikipedia It was originally proposed by Valentin Balt, a web designer in small company before 9 years, but  made officially instituted by  the Russian president 2 years ago with the

Указ Президента РФ от 11.09.2009 N 1034
“О Дне программиста”

Cold beer

A mug for everyone!

The Wikipedia link  cites some other sources, but for the Russian speaking folks – the most important link is actually in Kremlin’s site and is visible everywhere. I can think of at least 10 reasons anyone would choose to develop programming skills:

  • It rocks!
  • The community is awesome!
  • There is information about everything 2 clicks away.
  • There are no idiot programmers.
  • The salary is good.
  • Beer, junk food and coffee are part of your diet plan.
  • You are highly prized by your friends.
  • Girls like nerds as much as nerds like girls.
  • You will finally understand the binary jokes 😛
  • You will be excused for creating Chaos. It’s part of the job description.

Happy hacking everyone!!!

 Posted by at 2:01 pm

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