Jan 212012

A candle šŸ˜‰

There are tons of snow poured over Bulgaria today and falling trees are tearing power cables apart, causing blackouts.

One of the blackouts is (I am sorry to say) affecting my ISP and they need time to reestablish a backup that will be backed up by reserve power (UPS). The local power distributor is making some attempts to double the relays so the power does not go down again.

Being unable to serve power to the ISP leads to site downtime.

I am Sorry for any inconvenience caused to my readers.

Please try to come back later today.

Image source spcbrass @ flickr

 Posted by at 12:14 pm


 General  Comments Off on Stop SOPA
Jan 182012
Wikipedia Blacked Out

Wikipedia Blacked Out

Imagine a world without free speech.
Imagine a world without free knowledge.
Imagine a world without people sharing.
Imagine a world without trust, where everyone hides.
Imagine a world without privacy, where government knows everything about you.
Imagine a world without freedom.

Wikipedia blacked out English pages for 24 hours and Reddit will blackout too after 3 hours.

Please Support the “Stop SOPA act!”. Call your senator if you are US Citizen and tell him

This is not the way!

 Posted by at 11:50 am
Dec 152011

Lungs (Image source: Flickr)

What is mesothelioma?

It is also called Malignant mesothelioma, and is a terminal lung cancer. The main cause is prolonged exposing to asbestos fibers dust. The resulting asbestosis leads to shortness of breath because of the asbestosĀ  irritating the lung. Asbestos cannot leave the lungs naturally and very often the disease is caught too late.

The main symptoms are a chest pain and shortness of breath on minimal exertion or even standing still, without doing anything in particular. You better visit a doctor, even if you are not exposed to asbestos fibers (anymore). The disease may take years to develop.

So what happens, when you are exposed far too long to asbestos and develop terminal cancer?

In all cases – You need to take care for the ones you will be leaving after your demise while punishing the employer that allowed you to work with hazardous materials without mask.

Anyway, to get to the point which most bloggers-for-money ask:

Why does it pay so much?

There were claims 2 years ago, that mesothelioma ADs are paying $200 per click. Nowadays, the black hat forums claim that the keyword pays “merely” $55 per click.

The question remains: Why so much!?

In a WikiPedia article, we see that in mid 1982, a retired employee namedĀ  James Cavett, won a lawsuit of $2.3 million for compensation and another $1.5 million in punitive damages.

This triggered even more lawsuits and led to a group of lawyers specialized in this category of terminal cancers.

Lawsuits in US only are to reach $270 billion in compensations and punitive damages. There are more than 8k defendants and 700k claimants.

Imagine how many Lawyers are actually giving their left kidney to be hired for such a lawsuit.

Simple math from statistics:

  • ~3 in every 1000 clicks will end in hiring the Lawyer for a mesothelioma case;
  • 1000 clicks will cost the lawyer $55 000;
  • 3 cases won will total in approximately $3 million in compensation (with $2.3 million being the record for a single case);

Imagine the lawyer’s tax in this process. It must be huge.Ā  And because of the very high competition, the lawyers are paying A LOT to sites that publish their ADs.

As simple as that.

Why I say it WAS high paying keyword?

After the Google Panda update, the search engine algorithm has changed. High paying keywords are now targeted by a heuristic relevancy check and spammy sites that target the high paying keywords are now penalized.

You may still write an article filled with high paying keywords, but this article will never reach page 1 of SERPs. And even if it does, you have NO control if the relevant high paying ADs will be displayed to your article.

So, regardless you place the keywords, you article will probably NOT benefit from them for real. It will be another article farm designed for money, that will be marked by Google bot for analysis by heuristics. Later, when the page rank algorithm evaluates it, you may have your whole site penalized and even sand boxed.

Be smart. Help the big G clean the internet from nonsense and heavy AD packed sites. Write an article that answers questions and helps the others. Don’t try to benefit from dieing lung cancer sufferers.

I am not telling you to abandon SEO optimization. Just don’t target a profit from the misery of the others.

 Posted by at 2:28 pm