May 022012
Legend of Grimrock, level 7 map.

Legend of Grimrock, level 7 map.

Toorum Note regarding wall and draft

Toorum Note regarding wall and draft

Cleared level 6? Let’s kill some slimes then ๐Ÿ˜‰

You will start level 7 in a corridor with closed blast doors, which are opened with buttons.

Slimes are not hard if you kite them. Just move backwards half second before it launches it bile and shoot or cast a spell. Then advance and use weapons.

There will be half-dozen of them – freely lurking around in the beginning of the level.

The first room in the corridor has 1 mushroom and a tar bead. Open both its doors to use for kiting slimes if they give you hard time. It’s going to be much easier.

Room 2 has two slimes inside already. Deal with them, move the tattered cloak away to find the Toorum note.

Again – Quite cryptic one, but it’s only 4 combinations, and you could have figured it out by yourself:

After you figured it out, get on to the next area:

Maze of Shadows.

Maze Of Shadows

It is not hard, you will figure it out quickly. There are 5 torches in the maze, and you can’t drop shadows.

If you go near a torch, you may drop a shadow. That’s the main idea.

You will find a HardStone bracelet, Darkness spell and another Toorum note about Torches.

There will be two slime bells *(a herb) lying around too.

Hardstone bracelet gives more attack power for the trade of speed (you hit harder but slower):

HardStone Bracelet

Darkness spell dozes light so you can see where the torches are dropping shadows and find your way around (or just check the minimap above). If the light on the floor is dim – you may probably pass through. If it is bright – don’t.

If you drop shadow, you will be transported back to the beginning of the area.

Take your time in the maze.

In the south part of the maze, you will find huge box with food. On the east wall where the box is – you will find a button which opens a corridor with teleporter and few bombs behind it.

Enter the teleporter, kill the 2 poison mushrooms and loot. (bolts, mole jerky and throwing axes).

Find the rune button inside the secret room and press it. You will get to the frost bombs on the other side of the teleporter and get the 4 bombs. They are usefull (frost bombs).

Enter next area.

Kill the fire elemental. Drop on level 8 secret room from the pit. You will find bracelet of Tirin (good one for archer, you shoot 15% faster):

(The second pit leads to the same room on level 8, but there is nothing. Just teleport back.)

Next, there is a room with a pressure plate.

Save before pressing it. You will release some slimes and they can surround you quickly.

Get back fast. Try to get in the corridor with slimes in front of you and nothing behind you.

You may consider going back to the door and closing it. Then take your stand and take them down one-by-one.

When done with them – get back to collect the iron key, some bug-food and the Diviner’s cloak in the slime room:

When you use the key and advance east, there will be 3 more elemental for brutal slaughter.

Take them down.

[After you advance in this area, your next sleep will be visited by Toorum again. He explains about a machine, which is not guarded and you will use it to break from this dungeon. Just a little further.]

There will be one button near the wall with the socket. Click it and get back so it’s hit by the head, (the portcullis will open) then go back to the button, so you don’t stand in the way of the other head. If you do it right, the pit will also close.

If you don’t like slimes – You will not like the next area ๐Ÿ˜‰ There are half-dozen of them and they will want a piece of you.

Deal with them.

The Blue stone is here, some herbs, Fire Torc (+50 fire resistance amulet):

There are 2 rooms with a small puzzle and 4 fire elementals.

The puzzle is simple.

  • Step on the left plate to open the portcullis completely.
  • Step on the other plate, so the head fires light bolt …
  • … and immediately go back to the left plate which opens the portcullis.
  • This way the portcullis stays open for the light bolt to pass and all secret doors will fall.

One of the doors has 4 elementals, and the other has some good stuff:

  1. Another Toorum note.
  2. Scroll of invisibility.
  3. Shaman staff:

In the north room of this area, there are 3 pits and teleporters.

Falling down again.

This room is a bit annoying.

Needs some strafing to get away from the poison bolts, but in the end, you will walk with the Boots of Valor (+15 protection):

Pulling the lever will release some Crabs and spiders, but there is one trick – Use the pressure plates to launch poison bolts towards the spiders and crabs.

It will not kill them, but they will come to you softened a lot and you can finish them.

The teleporter will transport you on the other side of the pits to the next area:

Next area has a corridor with 5 levers and a room with 15 trap doors and a head blowing bolts (every bolt inverts the trap doors’ positions – closed/open).


At first – All levers are pointing up.

If you reposition them (from left to right) up-up-down-up-down, behind you will open a secret alcove with an excellent life leaching assassin’s dagger:

The trap doors room has 3 things:

  1. The room below has an ogre, but this time you can easily kite him down – there are no spiders to stand in the way. He drops another hammer with low accuracy and there are also kite shield, a herb and an edible mushroom.
  2. There is an alcove in the northeast corner of the 15 trap doors room, with a “Brace of fortitude”. You probably already have better, but take it regardless.
  3. There is also a button in the Northwest corner of the room which opens the door to the next room. To reach it in time, you need to advance quickly in the room and stand in the way of the bolt, so the trap doors stay closed. The light bolt does not harm you – so you are okay to plan your steps from there.

If you fall down again, there will be a spider waiting for you. Not a biggie at your level.

When you open the door to the next room, 2 fire elementals will come to burn you.

Deal with them.

The west part of this area is with longer corridors (one of them has barely visible rune button).

There is one room with a hydra coming from the basement. Use Advance-hit-and-run tactic. In the alcove behind the hydra there is a -5 accuracy flail and probably a fire elemental will come too for additional chaos.

And lastly a room with 3 trap doors, 3 heads and 3 fire elementals.

Deal with the elementals and open the next room. The stairs to level 8 and an alcove with a skull (Take it if you have “head hunter” trait on your minotaur char).

Go around and you will see the receptacles where the 3 heads will shoot light bolts and an iron door behind them.

This puzzle is NOT EASY ๐Ÿ™‚

You need to stand in the way of the bolts.

It starts slow. But then it goes like a machine gun and takes some quick moves. The reward is scroll with an “Enchant Fire Arrow” and Chitin boots:

Enchanted bolts and arrows deal +5 more fire damage. Your mage needs 7 fire skill and to hold the quiver of arrows/bolts in the hand.

[There is a rune button which opens a secret room in the east corridor where the hydra was, but you need to run for it ๐Ÿ˜‰ – It opens another way to level 8. There is an ogre and a fire elemental which will stand in your way, while you try to kite the Ogre.]

But – That’s all you can do in this level for now. Go to level 8 from any of the 2 ways you prefer. The main or the secret.

 Posted by at 12:18 am

  16 Responses to “Legend of Grimrock – level 7”

  1. Just wanted to say how much I appreciate the effort you’ve made on this walkthrough. The concise nature of it has added more enjoyment to any already thoroughly enjoyable game. Thank You very much.

  2. great walkthrough its helped me out alot!

    when your talking about the room with the two teleporters and the pits that lead to the poison bolt room thought id change it to say “enter the teleporter in the room on the 7th floor to teleport to the other side” because i read it as the one in the room with all the posion arrows, and spent about 20 minutes killing my mage trying to figure out if i had missed a switch in the poison bolt room.

    also when you teleport across go through the portal you appear beside and you to to another room! it looks very similar to the one you came from with pits beside you and a hallway opposite, but the other side of the pits is a much larger room and the hallway has a grate in it, there is an alcove in the hallway with a sack full of herbs and another flask.

    • Yes, sorry for the misunderstanding – English is not my native language and sometimes I am building sentences in the way they sound in Bulgarian.

  3. The level of difficulty on the iron door is no match to the reward!!!!

  4. Thanks for your perfect guide! its really easy to find all the secrets and make some impossible things possible. THX!!!

    Can you please say me, how i can open the door in level 7 (when i falling from the Halls of fire). I didnยดt find a lever to open the door.. ๐Ÿ™ Thanks for your answer!!

  5. Hi m0rd0r,

    i didnt read the level 8 right now, but i am running on this level 7 here. But i found the Piece of Pizza (archievment on steam). It is close to the alcove with the skull. When you stand in front of the alcove, step to the left and click the hidden button. a secret room will open with a smal spider and the blue piece of pizza.


    • oh, the piece of pizza is a blueberry pie. and it on level 8, but it is right besides the alcove with the skull.

    • Sorry, found it. Marked it as food in the guide and eated it already.

      Don’t even remember I took It before you mentioned it.

      The problem is, I play the game on a machine detached from Internet so noone talks to me on skype and ICQ, so I’ve probably never send data to Steam with my results ๐Ÿ™‚

      Thank you for pointing that out.

  6. If you fall through the pit onto the orge, insta-kill and gravity as a weapon achievement

  7. The room on level 11 has a head shooting towards the alcoves, teleporter back and a hidden button which helps you to get to the alcoves without harm by isolating the head.

  8. I realised after many, and I mean many! Attempts. I couldn’t do the iron door light shooting puzzle due to one of my characters been encumbered. It seems that having a characters carry weight in yellow actually does affect the whole move speed of the party. Although this seems clearly obvious in hindsight, it wasn’t to me. ๐Ÿ™ So if your having trouble with this puzzle make sure one of your characters isn’t encumbered.

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