About me



Hey folks.

My name is Stoill “m0rd0r” Barzakov, 36 year old Bulgarian IT and this is my blog.

I am interested in programming, system administration and everything interesting out there.

My hobbies include biking, mountaineering, cooking, plants and RPG games. (that’s mainly what this blog is about)

Currently I am employed by Telco systems Bulgaria, but I also freelance if there is interesting project. Before Telco Systems I was working 7 years as technical manager @ Unix Solutions Ltd. Sofia, and for another 7 years I was employed by Telecable SA – Pazardjik as and IT Manager and developer.

But enough for me. Pleasant reading and I hope I will be able to help you in any way.

 Posted by at 9:04 pm

  One Response to “About me”

  1. I finished the sol game . My level is 165 and I killed shadow maker numerable times . Got three star in all the dungeons and dayum I was waiting for another quest but I guess there is no more guest, it’s an old game so no more updates it was such a nice game um .

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